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Legacy Partner

Over $500,000 Sponsorship

Our Legacy Partnership provides permanent recognition for you or your business for the life of the Bay of Plenty Movement HQ. 


Sponsoring the BOP Movement HQ is a unique opportunity that can help increase your businesses brand awareness by showcasing your commitment to social responsibility and supporting great causes.  This can help enhance your reputation among consumers, investors and employees.  Your business will receive positive media coverage and increased visibility reaching a wider community and regional audience. This in turn can build on your positive relationship with the community and expand your reach and be able to tap into new markets.

You will receive:

  • Naming rights on building for 10 years or by negotiation and name as a legacy partner on the foundation sponsor/donor wall in perpetuity

  • Recognition as a Legacy Partner on all marketing and promotional material, in media and at opening ceremony

  • Free access to the community/events spaces 4 times per year or by mutual agreement for 10 years.

  • Full colour linked advertisement on website

  • Full colour liked advertisement on social media pages

  • Invitations to significant and sponsor events

  • Quarterly e-newsletter promotion to members

  • Invitation to opening ceremony

  • Logo or name in annual report and looping on a digital signage.

  • Display of signage at major events

  • Discounted membership option for your employees

Donations to Te Puke Gymsport for the Bay of Plenty Movement HQ new build project are deemed charitable donations (registered charity CC45798) Please consult your accountant for tax clarifications.  Payments must be received before the end of the financial year to be eligible for tax deduction in that year.

Partner with us here

Payment Options:

  • Pay via Stripe below: Stripe will take 2.9% and 30c per transaction if you are happy to donate via direct bank transfer we will receive 100% of your donation.

  • Direct Bank Transfer:  Te Puke Gymsport Inc a/c number: 03-0474-0429298-003.  If you donate via bank transfer please send us your details to instead of below.

What level of sponsorhip would you like to donate:

Thank you for helping us make a difference!

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